191: Growing Your Business to Live a Delighted Life w/ Amira Alvarez

Season #1 Episode #191

Do you feel like you’re running in place on a life-sized hamster wheel or are you living a life of delight? As a business owner and entrepreneur, it might feel like you have a never-ending to-do list to check off. But that’s not why you do what you do. Today, I’m thrilled to have a guest who will help us reframe why we got into this line of work, to begin with.

About Amira Alvarez

Amira Alvarez has created an amazing brand that makes a huge impact on people’s lives. She is the founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman, a global coaching company helping entrepreneurs, empire builders, and rising stars achieve their dreams and goals in record time.

Your Business as a Source of Satisfaction

Amira draws a direct connection between building and growing a business with personal satisfaction. While some days will naturally be more difficult than others, the goal of running your own business should be to have a good time. It should empower you to live the life you want. It’s easy to fall into the trap of the daily grind. To combat this, Amira urges fellow entrepreneurs to stay focused on the big picture.

Recognizing Your Vision For Your Life and Career

The fact of the matter is that there are infinite ways to run a business. Too often, entrepreneurs fall into the old paradigms that they know from former jobs. Yet, if you can identify your vision and how you want to show up for your job, you can actively work to create that reality. Amira urges everyone to recognize that they can operate according to their own rules. When this happens, you’ll be able to actually enjoy what you do for a living.

Many find that they’re working themselves into the ground. Making more money can help you escape this. The trick is doing it without creating more work that you don’t want to do. This could mean raising your prices, selling more, or adding a new income channel. Before you can do this, you need to believe in yourself and the value of what you do.

How is your business leading you towards a life of delight? How can you shift what you do to create a more fulfilling work experience? Tell me in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode 

  • How growing your business can lead to joy and fulfillment [4:10]
  • What happens when your goals become your priorities [11:39]
  • Recognizing the signs that it’s time to shift gears on how you operate [14:53]
  • The realization that you don’t need to run your business according to anyone else’s expectations [23:00]
  • How to escape the trap of over-exhausting yourself [28:30]
  • Building your sense of self-worth as insulation against those who would treat you poorly [36:20]



“Why grow your own business if it’s not for that sense of personal freedom, excitement, enthusiasm?” [4:24]

“Doing the hard things - really stepping up and doing those challenging things that move the needle forward - that makes you feel great!” [13:56]

“Who decided that the weekend is the weekend? Who decided that working is from nine to five? If I am excited and thrilled and living a delighted life, who cares? Why do I have to play by the rules?” [26:43]

“If you don’t value yourself, if you don’t have a sense of personal self-worth, you will attract people who don’t treat you well.” [36:20] 

“Go after your dreams. Own what you really want and go for it.” [42:19]



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Find Amira Alvarez online

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The Unstoppable Woman Podcast

The Morning Mindset Club

The Income Breakthrough Summit

Entrepreneurial Operating System

IT Cosmetics


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