211: What Happens When You Embrace Rejection w/ Den Lennie

Season #1 Episode #211

Rejection hurts. Nobody likes the feeling of it. But we need to take risks in our lives and businesses for progress to happen. Today’s guest shares some great advice for how to get over rejection and even turn it into an asset.

Key Takeaways

All your communication to clients should center on getting them what they want. Be clear on what the problem is that you can solve for them and how you are going to do that. Everything else is just details.

Your business needs systems in place if you are going to have any freedom. The consistency that these systems provide will give you the time and space you need to free up your time.

About Den Lennie

Den Lennie is a true veteran of video broadcast and production having worked in this industry for two and a half decades. He is a business coach and marketing strategist who partners with video professionals to grow their video business.

Making Connections Without Fear

Den explains why it’s easier than many think to make the connections needed to grow their business. In a world where most people rely on texts and emails, an old-fashioned phone call gets overlooked. Actually picking up the phone and making that call sets you apart immediately. Den describes what you can start doing right away to build the confidence needed to make these important calls.

This means moving past the fear of rejection. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to take risks. When you think about it though, reaching out to prospective clients doesn’t actually risk much. They may say no. That’s okay. As Den explains, each rejection gets you that much closer to someone ready to say yes.

What Your Clients Really Want From You

Remember that your clients don’t care about your gadgets and equipment. All those little details that help you make amazing videos are not what is going to land clients. What they care about is certainty. Be consistent with your systems and how you present your business. Interestingly, Den has found that the more consistent and disciplined you are in your business, the more creative you can be. It’s this structure that allows you to find the time you need to enjoy doing what you want to do.

How do you deal with rejection? What systems give you more freedom? Leave a comment on the episode page!


In This Episode:

  • Having the guts to make the right connections [4:40]
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection by building confidence [9:10]
  • Why your clients don’t care about what you care about [20:50]
  • How discipline brings freedom [25:00]
  • Building resilience through failure and setbacks [34:00]



“Get to no as quickly as possible. You want to be calling people, connecting with people, and then saying no, because the more nos you get, the closer you are to a yes.” [8:45]

“If you want to be an entrepreneur, you have to solve problems. And the more problems you solve, the more money you will make. The more people who you help, the more money you will make.” [10:25]

“If you want to run a video business, you have to step back from editing, and then shooting, and then become a producer. But you can still have creative input because your creativity shifts to creating a business and opportunity for your team and providing a future for families.” [28:03]



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Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins


Additional Links:

Check out the full show notes page

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