The Power of Delegation: Thriving in Your Video Business

Season #1 Episode #385

Episode #390


In this episode of the Grow Your Video Business podcast, host Ryan Koral takes listeners on a solo journey through the challenges and triumphs of running a successful video production company. Reflecting on his own experiences, Ryan delves into the importance of delegation in navigating growth and overcoming obstacles. He shares insights on managing a team, adapting to changes in the industry, and finding freedom through effective delegation of tasks like email management. With a blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice, this episode serves as a valuable resource for video business owners looking to streamline operations, scale their companies, and focus on what truly matters.

Key Takeaways

  • Embrace Delegation: Ryan emphasizes the importance of delegation in scaling a video production business. By entrusting tasks to capable assistants, business owners can focus on high-value activities and foster growth without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Adaptability is Key: Through Ryan's reflections on his own business journey, listeners learn the importance of adaptability in the face of challenges and unexpected changes. Being willing to rethink strategies and pivot when necessary is essential for long-term success in the ever-evolving video production industry.
  • Prioritize Joy and Efficiency: Ryan encourages listeners to prioritize activities that bring joy and align with their strengths, while also recognizing the value of efficiency in business operations. Delegating tasks that drain energy and time allows for a more fulfilling and productive work experience.
  • Start Small and Experiment: Whether it's hiring an assistant or exploring new workflows, Ryan advocates for starting small and viewing the process of delegation as an experiment. By testing different approaches and learning from successes and failures, business owners can gradually refine their strategies for delegation and optimize their operations.

In This Episode

  • [00:00] Welcome to the show!
  • [00:57] Freeing up your time
  • [05:03] Executive assistants
  • [07:46] Book recommendations
  • [10:41] Hiring an assistant
  • [15:20] Outro


"Managing people is not the thing that brings me life in this work."

"I've rethought my business in major ways when each of these employees had moved on."

"You can get some freedom. You can get your time back. You can find more joy in the work that you're doing if you don't do all of the things."

"It is a gift... to have people alongside of me helping me in this area of my business."

"Start by making some videos so that when you do feel ready... you've got a place where [assistants] can go."


FREE Workshop Available "How to Consistently Earn Over $100k Per Year in Video Production While Working Less Than 40 Hours Per Week"

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Books Mentioned

Your World-Class Assistant, by Michael Hyatt 

Buy Back Your Time, by Dan Martell