Mental Health Practices for Filmmakers with Kambria Evans

Season #1 Episode #296

Episode #296


As creative business owners, sometimes it’s hard to balance our artistic side with our business side. Kambria Evans, a teaching and learning consultant, will help you figure this out as she shares some great mindset changes and techniques that will help you grow your business while keeping your mental health in check.

Key Takeaways

  • Most creatives have both a creative side and a business side; you need to use each side appropriately
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Your business should grow to serve the stage of your life you are currently in

About Kambria Evans

Kambria Evans, The Teaching & Learning EMDR Consultant, has 18 years of expertise developing impactful learning experiences for healthcare providers. Known for teaching with chops and getting evidence-based results, her innovative ideas and trainings have been published (14 times) in peer-reviewed medical, psychology, and education journals such as Academic Psychiatry and Academic Medicine. Kambria is the former Director of Education & Quality Improvement at Stanford Medical School, has two Masters Degrees in Psychology and Education, and has extensively trained in EMDR and relational complex trauma.

After teaching and leading research at Vanderbilt University and Stanford School of Medicine for 20 years, the standard of excellence that she's practiced is paramount in supporting therapists creating a practice that serves them. Sharing all that she knows with therapists, so that they may share their own voices with the world, is her life’s work.

In This Episode

  • Finding your inner child and how accessing different parts of your personality can help you accomplish what’s important [5:18]
  • How to make the creative part of you work with the business part of you [10:34]
  • Creating stuff is hard work, take the pressure off from getting people to see what you create [16:29]
  • How to overcome impostor syndrome [22:53]
  • How to be content with where your at and make it more fun [31:33]
  • Your business growth should be on your terms [33:40] 


“As creative business owners we almost feel this pressure that we’re supposed to have all of these parts as developed as our creative part and I don’t know that’s realistic.” [16:17]

“If you’re gonna survive you’re gonna have to accept that you’re learning all the time and you’re always growing” [24:33]

“The brain doesn’t care what time it is, your brain does not actually care if it is the present, the past, or the future because what your brain is always trying to do is it’s trying to take any limited experience you’ve had to inform the narrative of what’s gonna happen in an hour, and what’s gonna happen ten years from now” [27:34]


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The Alter Ego Effect, by Todd Herman

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