Book More Clients with This Approach with Chis Savage

Season #1 Episode #294

Episode #294


Today Ryan fanboys out and sits down for a conversation with the founder of a product he has been using for years, Chris Savage from Wistia. They talk about how Wistia can help you offer an additional service to your clients that will keep them coming back.

Chris gives some tips on how to separate yourself from the competition and some great marketing strategies that he has implemented at Wistia that has helped him stand out and cement Wistia as experts in the field of video marketing.

Chris also shares a unique campaign he runs each year for Wistia employees that has garnered some unbelievable results for improving both features & systems, and company morale.

Key Takeaways

  • Seeing real people from your business helps your clients better connect with you
  • Making great content actually promotes yourself as a company that does what it says
  • Embrace the small size of your business as lots of businesses are looking for that

About Chris Savage

 Chris Savage is the Co-Founder and CEO of Wistia, a leading video hosting platform that gives marketers everything they need to get bigger results from their videos and podcasts. As CEO, he finds himself getting loud (in a good way) about what matters most to him—like his love of innovation, pushing past fear, and working to create a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive company. Leaving the traditional tech playbook behind, Wistia took on $17.3M in debt to buy out their investors, gain full control of the business, and take the path less traveled to grow sustainably. Today, more than 375,000 businesses across 50 countries depend on Wistia's products to build their brands and grow their businesses, including HubSpot, Mailchimp, Sephora, Starbucks, and Tiffany & Co.

In This Episode 

  • What is Wistia and how can it help you add valuable data analysis for your clients that will make them come back again and again [6:45]
  • Do people want to see more human videos rather than graphs and graphics [20:01]
  • The power of putting people from your business in your videos [23:50]
  • Why compelling content is more important than good looking content [31:48]
  • Don’t be afraid to reveal that your a small business [33:26]
  • How small teams can make engaging content that also markets themselves [35:16]
  • How Wistia budgets their marketing and gives their team space to create [39:35]


"You're missing a huge opportunity if you’re not using human beings to build that connection directly.” [22:33]

“We are afraid that people are gonna judge us based on how we look and it’s actually, they’re gonna judge us because they have no idea what we’re capable of and what we care about. It’s not about how we look, that’s not it, but that’s the normal human instinct.” [31:48]

“If you don’t have a video that markets yourself, then maybe you don’t really believe in it, and if you do, you get the meta benefits instantly. It’s like, oh, look at the clever thing this company’s doing to market themselves, doing the thing they say that they do.” [37:55]

“You know the old adage of the cobbler's kids get no shoes. I think flip it around and say if the cobbler's kids have sick shoes then everyone wants those shoes, like, "Where do you get those shoes, buddy? I want those shoes." I think it’s just that; if you make sweet stuff promoting yourself, you get the benefit of it actually promotes yourself and it proves to people that you can make that kind of content.” [39:10]


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