One Skill That Will Lead To More Success In Your Business and Life w/ Matt Thompson

Season #1 Episode #30

Let’s face it: It can be hard being a self employed filmmaker. Not only do we have to worry about how to run our businesses better, find new leads, and keep the lights on, but we also need to continuously improve our craft and the finished products we deliver to our clients. Oh, and don’t forget that many of us have families and lives outside of our work, as much as we may love it. My conversation with Matt Thompson on the podcast this week took a bit of a turn from where I thought it might go. But Matt being Matt, he delivered some incredible insight as the theme of managing our relationships emerged over the course of our chat. Matt is the CEO of Blade of Grass Holdings, an umbrella company for SongFreedom, Fyrfly, Luna Music Group, and U Management. As you can imagine, with this many companies straddling the music and film worlds, Matt knows a thing or two about the importance of working with, and learning from other people. Furthermore, he’s proof that if you master this skill, success will find you in whatever field you’re in. We talk broadly about how we balance our businesses with our home and family lives, collaborating with other artists and creatives, the one essential skill to successful business partnerships (and all of our other relationships), and how to find time to recharge our batteries while juggling all of our other responsibilities. How do you manage to balance your business with the rest of your life? Are you able to find time for yourself to recharge and stoke your creativity? Let us know in the comments! In this episode: When to say "no" to projects that might be good ideas but don’t play to your strengths How to balance your business with the rest of your life -- including your family Why don’t we as video producers collaborate with each other on projects like in the music world? How Fyrfly is going to change the way we host our videos online! The single most important factor to which Matt attributes all of his success Quotes: “There was a period of time in my life where I was afraid and I made decisions based out of fear, and I was afraid that we wouldn’t get the job and I was afraid somebody might steal my ideas. But that idea of abundance is just more overpowering in my life today. I don’t want to approach life with clenched fists, I want to approach it open handed.” [27:45] “I think having a little bit of humility - it can be difficult at times for sure - but we’re talking about collaborating with other people, and you want to go do that, not only because it’s fun, but also maybe, just maybe you can learn something from somebody else.” [42:46] Find the original post at: